
Webelos Rank Emblem


The Webelos Rank Emblem is earned by completing the required elements in the Webelos handbook and is for boys and girls who have completed the third grade or are 10 years old.

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SKU: 659251 Categories: , ,
To earn the Webelos Rank Emblem, Scouts must be active members of their Webelos den for three months, complete five required adventures with their den or family, complete at least two elective adventures, and complete the exercises in the pamphlet "How to Protect your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide" with a parent or guardian. Once you've completed the pamphlet exercises, earn your cyber chip award. Once all Webelos requirements are complete, you have earned the Webelos Rank Emblem. The emblem is tan with blue and yellow stitching. 
This product requires the following prerequisites
  • Advancement Report
  • Purchase Order

You can upload your documentation at checkout.


To earn the Webelos Rank Emblem, Scouts must be active members of their Webelos den for three months, complete five required adventures with their den or family, complete at least two elective adventures, and complete the exercises in the pamphlet “How to Protect your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide” with a parent or guardian. Once you’ve completed the pamphlet exercises, earn your cyber chip award. Once all Webelos requirements are complete, you have earned the Webelos Rank Emblem. The emblem is tan with blue and yellow stitching.