
Geocaching Merit Badge Pamphlet


Use this merit badge pamphlet to learn all the basics of this fun and exciting, high-tech treasure hunt! This pamphlet includes all the details you need to earn the Geocaching merit badge.


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Get details and requirements on the Geocaching merit badge, including Geocaching etiquette and how the principles of Leave No Trace apply, Geocaching terms, how GPS technology works, steps for finding and logging a cache, how to use official online home of geocaching, and how to stay safe while searching for geocaches!
There are no prerequisites for this product.


Get details and requirements on the Geocaching merit badge, including Geocaching etiquette and how the principles of Leave No Trace apply, Geocaching terms, how GPS technology works, steps for finding and logging a cache, how to use official online home of geocaching, and how to stay safe while searching for geocaches!