
Thank you for volunteering

Without our volunteers the Mount Baker Council could not provide the quality programs and activities to the youth of our communities.  Thank you for your time and dedication.

Leadership Selection

The Boy Scouts of America takes great pride in the quality of our adult leadership. Being a leader in the BSA is a privilege, not a right. The quality of the program and the safety of our youth members call for high-quality adult leaders. We work closely with our chartered organizations to help recruit the best possible leaders for their units.

The adult application requests background information that should be checked by the unit committee or the chartered organization before accepting an applicant for unit leadership. While no current screening techniques exist that can identify every potential child abuser, we can reduce the risk of accepting a child abuser by learning all we can about an applicant for a leadership position—his or her experience with children, why he or she wants to be a Scout leader, and what discipline techniques he or she would use.

Youth Protection Training

Youth Protection Training

All adults working with youth are required to take Youth Protection Training every year. Read Mount Baker Council policy on Youth Protection Training.


The BSA and Mount Baker Council provide training for all leaders. Training covers topics including Youth Protection, Safe Scouting Guidelines, outdoor training, and position specific training.

Scouting Resources

Den Leader and Cubmaster Resources, Troop Resources, the ScoutStrong Initiative, and more.

Recruiting Resources

Set your Unit's recruiting efforts on the right path. Graphics, join night ideas, sign-up sheets and more.


Membership info

Ideal Year of Scouting

Help you unit plan and execute their Ideal Year of Scouting.