Scouts BSA Resources

We are Scouts BSA

February 1st is a historic day for the Boy Scouts of America.  Our Boy Scout program officially becomes Scouts BSA and our Troops for Girls will be formed.

Below are some resources for use when recruiting and advertising our new Units.

As a reminder please only refer to our new all-female Units as the following

  • Scouts BSA Girl Troops (preferred for written materials)
  • Troops for Girls (best for meetings and orientations)
  • Girl Troop

You should not ever put the word “Girl” immediately proceeding the word “Scout” in any written or verbal communications.


Scouts BSA Infographic

Scouts BSA Brand Center

This is the best place for graphics including logos, email templates, peer-to-peer cards, social media graphics, and videos.  You will also find a PowerPoint presentation for use during recruiting.

Scouts BSA Marketing Guidelines

Dos and Don’t When Talking About Scouts BSA

Scouts BSA Meeting Talking Points

Family Scouting Program Resources