
Category: Council-wide News

Thoughts on Membership and Recruitment

From Council President, Steven Davis Membership Recruiting Update Every youth should have the opportunity to join Scouting. Our traditional efforts to invite friends to join us on the Scouting trail include hosting join nights, sending flyers to schools, participating in community events, and, well… just asking friends (which tends to be the easiest). Your district […]

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Elementor #14233

National Scout Jamboree is an exciting once-in-a-lifetime opportunity which is coming up in the summer of 2023.  Every four years, Scouts from across the country and the world gather together to share the “greatest scouting experience on earth.” This tradition was started to celebrate the 25 anniversary of scouting and the first Jamboree held in Washington, D.C. […]

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BSA Financial Restructuring and Council Contribution

Dear Mount Baker Council Members, As a valued member of our Scouting community we are reaching out to provide you with an update on the BSA’s financial restructuring, and to explain how the Mount Baker Council is participating in the effort to equitably compensate survivors of past abuse and to ensure the future of Scouting’s […]

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One Service Center Town Hall

On August 4th the Council Key 4 – the Council President, Council Commissioner, Council Scout Executive, and incoming Council President – held a Town Hall discussing some of the options the Council is looking at to better serve our members. The Town Hall was recorded for those who could not attend. We encourage you to […]

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Welcome back to Summer!

As we close down the school year and head straight into summer, I’m always reminded of my many campaign experiences in Scouts. In Cub Scouting, we had fun! We made an oven out of a cardboard box; ate ice cream we just made by rolling around cream and sugar in an old coffee container; dropped […]

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Life is still busy, even during the pandemic. And a packed and busy schedule often means that certain activities — usually those that don’t directly affect our quality of life — must take a spot on the back burner. Unfortunately, community service is one of those types of activities for many. It seems ironic that […]

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Gathering EVERY member of the Pack!

It’s important to make sure we offer Scoutng to EVERY family. Often time this means being in the schools or community to recruit new familes to our Scouting programs. But in the last year with COVID-19 shutting down schools and keeping us from meeting in person many of our Cub Scout Packs and Scouts BSA […]

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New Member Coordinators – An Important Role

By: Denise Lesniak, Vice President of Membership MBC Membership Committee (Virtual) New Member Coordinators New Member Coordinators (NMC) have an important role in all of our units.  NMC’s assist with recruiting new scouts; and also help new families as they join your unit.  This may be taking place in person (following social distancing guidelines) or […]

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March Message from the Key 3

By: Kevin Nichols, Scout Executive I want to thank all of our Scouters for all the good they do for our youth, especially during these uncertain times in the past year.   Our youth look to you as positive role models and representatives of a caring, giving community, especially as you have set the bar for […]

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Mount Baker Council – Healthy Washington – Scouting Update

Updated: February 01, 2021 The Mount Baker Council is reaching out to our Units, Charter Organizations, and other stakeholders to share our understanding and interpretation of the new “Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery” Plan. We believe that the new plan will have significant impacts on the outdoor program and daily operations of our units […]

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