
Welcome to Scouting

with the Mount Baker Council

Welcome to the Adventure!

We want to welcome you and your family to the grand adventure of Scouting!  We hope you and your family have the same life changing experiences just like the millions of other families who joined Scouting.  Our links below are quick links to help you get started.  Whether your a parent to a new Scout or a new leader to the program.  We thank you for your participation and future commitment to change and impact our youths lives in the biggest youth development program in the world.  

The 4 steps to launch yourself into Scouting!

1: Get Trained

Most things you will need to know to get familiar with Scouting is available in online training modules through the my.scouting.org.  We recommend you log in, complete youth protection training, This is Scouting Training, then find the training that corresponds with your child’s age and program or your area of responsibility.

2: Get Connected

Join our Enewsletter “The Mountain Echo”. Join the Hub, our key online communications tool for up-to-date information. Like our Facebook page, or attend your District’s monthly Roundtable meeting (second Thursday each month).  Find your District” then subscribe to our Calendar to learn about upcoming events.

3: Go to Camp

There is no better way then camp to connect with Scouting. Our facility at Fire Mountain Scout Camp is one of the best in the nation and the sooner you and your family can make it to one of our camping programs on a weekend or during the summer the better. Find a camping program for your HERE.

4: Have FUN!

Every Scouting Leader and every parent will not only have the opportunity to live vicariously through the eyes of children, Scouting can provide unique opportinities to deepen relationships and experience new adventures. Unlike may things in a child’s life, Scouting tends to be that thind where they get to do things with their parents, enhancing the parent-child relationship well into adulthood.

Getting a uniform and your first Scout handbook

Our Scout Store is in Everett carries books, uniforms, and other Scouting supplies. Staff are eager to help you get started.

Everett Service Center
1715 100th Pl SE, Suite B
Everett, WA 98208
Phone: 425.338.0380

Who can help you get started in your neighborhood

Every community is served by local adult volunteers and a professional Scouter who work together to coordinate year-round Scouting activities. You can find your local contact by visiting our Find your District page, or by calling 425.338.0380 and we’ll connect you with your local Scouting representative who can help you get started.

Learn more about your program

The Scouting experience is divided into programs according to age and activities.

The links below will guide to some great resource pages from the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America to help you learn even more about the Scouting adventure you and your family have become a part of.

Cub Logo_No Background

Cub Scouts

Boys and Girls

Kindergarten thru 5th Grade

Parents Start Here

Scouts BSA

Boys and Girls

Ages 11-17




Ages 14-20

Sea Scouting Emblem_Color

Sea Scouts


Ages 14-20