
Architecture And Landscape Architecture Merit Badge Pamphlet


Explore the ins and outs of architecture with lots of firsthand exposure and practice using architectural techniques! As you earn this merit badge, you may be surprised at how involved you get with designing a landscape of your own.

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This merit badge pamphlet has all the information and requirements that Scouts need to earn the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Merit Badge Pamphlet merit badge. Not only will Scouts get to learn about different types of plants and ground cover, but they will also learn how to weave it all together to create a beautiful AND functional landscape!
There are no prerequisites for this product.


This merit badge pamphlet has all the information and requirements that Scouts need to earn the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Merit Badge Pamphlet merit badge. Not only will Scouts get to learn about different types of plants and ground cover, but they will also learn how to weave it all together to create a beautiful AND functional landscape!