
Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge Pamphlet


Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge Pamphlet:

  • Learn how to check a vehicle’s brake fluid and engine oil,
  • Explain symbols that light up on the dashboard,
  • Recognize hazards they’re most likely to encounter during automotive maintenance
  • Become more self-reliant with the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge Pamphlet!

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Learn how to care for an automobile so you can drive safely, cut down on expenses, and keep your car running for years to come with the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge. One of over 135 Merit Badge Pamphlets featured in the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Series, the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge Pamphlet helps Scouts fulfill the requirements for the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge. 
There are no prerequisites for this product.


Learn how to care for an automobile so you can drive safely, cut down on expenses, and keep your car running for years to come with the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge. One of over 135 Merit Badge Pamphlets featured in the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Series, the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge Pamphlet helps Scouts fulfill the requirements for the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge.