
Backpacking Merit Badge Pamphlet


Earning the Backpacking merit badge will be demanding but rewarding! By using this pamphlet, Scouts will learn what equipment to carry on their backs and what knowledge to have in their heads. Scouts will also discover how to protect the environment by traveling and camping without leaving a trace.


Quantities are not guaranteed.

This merit badge pamphlet has all the information and requirements that Scouts need to earn the Backpacking merit badge. The Backpacking merit badge will help make your outdoor adventures safe, fun, comfortable and memorable! By mastering the basics of backpacking, Scouts will develop an even deeper respect for the outdoors.
There are no prerequisites for this product.


This merit badge pamphlet has all the information and requirements that Scouts need to earn the Backpacking merit badge. The Backpacking merit badge will help make your outdoor adventures safe, fun, comfortable and memorable! By mastering the basics of backpacking, Scouts will develop an even deeper respect for the outdoors.