
Home Repairs Merit Badge Pamphlet


Boost your self-confidence by completing a few home repairs, and become your family’s new handyman.

Quantities are not guaranteed.

While working on this merit badge, Scouts will learn how to safely perform handy work around the house. Not only will they get to learn about how to maintain a yard, but they will also get to build and repair various equipment and learn about basic electrical work. This  merit badge pamphlet supplies all the information needed for Scouts to earn this merit badge.
There are no prerequisites for this product.


While working on this merit badge, Scouts will learn how to safely perform handy work around the house. Not only will they get to learn about how to maintain a yard, but they will also get to build and repair various equipment and learn about basic electrical work. This  merit badge pamphlet supplies all the information needed for Scouts to earn this merit badge.